NOAA Weather Radios-All Hazards: Saving Lives Across the Country
What's the weather? Thanks to NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards, you'll always have the answer to that question and access to potentially life-saving emergency information whenever you need it. Not only does NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards provide weather reports and information to help you plan your day, but it also broadcasts special National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts, and other hazard information, including Homeland Security Alerts, 24 hours a day.
Delivering Weather Information…
Known as the "Voice of the National Weather Service," NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards is provided as a public service by NOAA. It is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information direct from a nearby National Weather Service forecast office. You can buy NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards receivers at most consumer electronics stores and similar retail outlets for as little as $25 and up to $100 or more (depending on the quality of the receiver and number of features). When you purchase a NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards receiver, you gain direct access to part of the NWS network and the same weather reports and emergency information that meteorologists and emergency personnel use—that can save your life!

NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information directly from a nearby National Weather Service office. Jack Elrod, the author/artist of the "Mark Trail" comic strip uses the strip to promote NOAA Weather Radio as a vital method of disseminating critical public safety information across the nation. Mark Trail image courtesy of North America Syndicate, Inc., World Rights Reserved.
…and More!
NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards also broadcasts warnings (as well as post-event information) for other types of hazards, both natural (such as earthquakes or volcanic activity) and technological (such as chemical or oil spills). NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards is available to national, state, and local emergency managers for use in disseminating information on non-weather hazardous conditions and events and is the primary trigger for the Federal Communications Commission's Emergency Alert System. These factors make NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards the single, most comprehensive weather and emergency information source available directly to the public.
On countless occasions NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards has saved many lives and public safety experts agree that receivers should be standard equipment in every home and public place (including hospitals, schools, places of worship, nursing homes, restaurants, grocery stores, recreation centers, office buildings, sports facilities, theaters, retail stores, bus and train stations, airports, marinas, and other public-gathering places).
Currently, 98 percent of the population in the United States is covered by a NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards transmitter.
For the latest list of frequencies and transmitter locations, check the NOAA Weather Radio-All Hazards Web site.
Works Consulted
NOAA Magazine. (2001). NOAA Weather Radio: The Voice of the National Weather Service. Retrieved online September 29, 2006, from: